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Legend Of Dungeon !!BETTER!!

You and up to three companions are looking for treasure and glory in a dark flickering dungeon full of deadly monsters. Legend has it there is a massive treasure all the way down on the 26th floor. Your quest: get the treasure, and make it back alive. Which you won't, you'll die...

Legend of Dungeon

Classes are unlockable player upgrades that are acquired by "saving" certain NPCs that you find in the dungeon. Bringing the NPCs back up to the Tavern will allow the player access to starting with certain items, though most of the item sets are currently unknown.

All class NPCs will appear on their respective dungeon level (assuming the player has not already rescued them) in a blank room much like the merchant and the gambler rooms. The player must high five the NPC which will cause the dungeon to "activate", making many rooms repopulate with monsters or even new bosses. It doesn't seem to generate monsters outside of your depth level howerver. For example, if you have not gone deep enough\leveled up enough to find grim reapers or red spell wizards, you are not likely to find them on the run back to the tavern either. Rescuing the first few npc's is fairly simple but the later ones are much harder to rescue.

Rescuing NPC's who are only found deep in the dungeon makes this much more difficult as you will then be dealing with much harder hitting monsters and have a very long gauntlet back to the tavern. Coffee mugs and giant\guardian spell books are your friend for this.

Livestreaming sites like Twitch and YouTube Gaming are driving developers to rethink the way their games are played (and watched). One studio in particular has embraced this spectator-focused industry, and it's pushing the boundaries between player and audience member: Robot Loves Kitty is the husband-and-wife studio responsible for Legend of Dungeon. Its latest spinoff, Legend of Dungeon: Masters, allows Twitch viewers to drop helpful items or dangerous foes into the games played by their favorite streamers, live. It's almost like playing God, but in a dark, hellish dungeon -- perhaps "playing Lucifer" is a more correct phrase.

Legend has it that there is a treasure on the 26th floor of the dungeon. Go get it. That's pretty much it for the plot, not that it needs one. The game consists of traversing the dungeon, gathering equipment, potions and experience to help fight off the many, many monsters that await you in the depths. Other random encounters, traps and hazards also await anyone foolhardy enough to quest for the treasure.

  • This game provides examples of: Awesome, but Impractical: The Bazooka. It does absolutely tremendous damage to anything caught in the blast of its rockets. Good luck trying not to get yourself caught in the blast when firing it.

  • Attackable Pickup: Some of the hats and weapons you can find are living creatures that can be attacked. God help you if you manage to kill one.

  • BFS: The rarely-appearing Giant Sword.

  • Bling-Bling-BANG!: The unlockable Cowboy hero class starts with a Golden Revolver that uses your money as ammunition.

  • Boring, but Practical: Shields. They allow you to totally block most attacks that hit you from the front, and you can use it to shield bash; even if this isn't the most damaging attack, it is by far the safest.

  • Cast from Money: Certain classes have abilities and weapons that use money as ammunition, such as the aforementioned Cowboy, and the Doctor. Since gold is your score, this doubles as an unusual example of Cast From Points.

  • Certain rooms in the dungeon feature NPC characters who will offer services in return for money, so you are essentially reducing your score in return for (hopefully!) having a better chance at winning.

  • Crutch Character: The Knight starts with a great helmet and sword, but is unable to use either magic or guns. While this makes the early floors a breeze, the lack of versatility will come back to bite you in the ass on lower floors from being forced to engage in melee enemies that you really don't want to get anywhere close to.

  • Demonic Spiders: A rare arguably non-YMMV example! Even official hints put out by the game developers suggest that you just outright avoid certain monsters, as they are very difficult to engage without taking damage. For the sake of editorial caution, the monsters in question will be listed on the YMMV tab anyway.

  • Evolving Weapon: A few of the unlockable classes start with unique weapons that level up with the character. The Cowboy's Golden Revolver, the Wizard's Magic Missiles and the Necromancer's summonable skeletons all do this, eventually becoming hilariously overpowered if you can survive for long enough.

  • Exploding Barrels: Powder Kegs. Drop it, smack it, run the hell away.

  • Fake Difficulty: The randomly generated nature of the dungeon sometimes results in this. Sometimes you get runs where you just can't find good equipment to carry you further down into the dungeon, other times the only available door to progress through requires you to jump into the middle of a horde of very nasty enemies.

  • While monsters are smart enough to avoid most traps and lava, anyone you're trying to rescue aren't. Laugh in broken despair as the Wizard you're trying to rescue decides he wants to help you fight an Enchanted Skeleton and promptly gets torn to shreds in the blink of an eye. What really doesn't help is that certain monsters will seem to beeline straight for the person you're escorting instead of you...

  • Joke Character: The Nekomancer is found on the secret 27th floor of the dungeon, and has the ability to summon cats. That's just about the only unique thing they can do.

  • Mook Maker: Several of the bosses do this, constantly summoning more minions to keep you off their back.

  • Nitro Boost: The Coffee Mug equippable item makes you run at utterly insane speeds. The Sultan's Coffee also does the same thing to a lesser (and much safer) extent.

  • Power-Up Magnet: The Magnet equippable item will pull all coins, experience orbs and items towards you. Just make sure they don't fall in lava.

  • Random Effect Spell: One of the spellbooks you can find in the game summons totally random stuff. It can summon potions, certain items and most enemies in the game. Including endgame bosses.

  • Suddenly Harmful Harmless Object: The dungeon is decorated with several stone statues of angels. A couple of levels down, some of these statues will suddenly spring out of their alcoves to attack you.

  • Too Awesome to Use: If you aren't playing as the cowboy, guns tend to be this. They do incredible amounts of damage and are the only way for characters who can't use magic to attack from a distance.

  • Unknown Item Identification: Potions come in fifteen different colors, but their effects are randomized on each new run of the game. Many players resort to keeping a written list handy to keep track of which ones do what. The effects include: An instant level-up.

  • A stats increase, such as speed, jump height, defense, and so on.

  • A decrease of your stats by means of your character throwing up after drinking it.

  • The infliction of potentially deadly Status Effects, such as falling asleep or stumbling around in a confused stupor.]]

  • Fart potions. Drinking one will anger all non-friendly monsters in the room, including neutral ones.

  • Video Game Cruelty Punishment: Never, EVER kill a cat, or allow a cat to come to harm. If you do, you're looking at a game-ending scenario.

  • To be more specific, when a cat dies it will release a large swarm of highly overpowered wraiths which take an extreme amount of punishment to bring down, move very quickly, do incredibly high damage and drop no reward when killed. They are always hostile to player characters regardless of whether the player directly harmed the cat or not. The kitten wraiths do not exist to be fought or defeated, they exist solely to kill the player; a task which they are very good at.

  • Video Game Flamethrowers Suck: You can find flamethrowers in the dungeon. Too bad they're terrible, only inflicting burn status on enemies, who will then more than likely come running to retaliate, setting you on fire in the process. They don't even emit much light, like the far more useful Flare Gun does.

The first book on this unique and fascinating genre of music (excluding the Mortiis book, also available in the store), this is an exploration of this unique and fascinating music form and culture.Originally birthed, almost by accident, from the black metal genre in the 1990s, dungeon synth has not not only returned, but exploded, in recent years, with a legion of new musicians picking up the torch. Featuring detailed interviews with many of the key figures, the book explores what separates dungeon synth from other forms of dark ambient, as well as its past, present and possible future.Originally self-published in very low numbers in 2021, this edition has been edited and upgraded, with many more images and much improved overall production.120 pages, with many illustrations and interviews with:

The Chilling Dungeons is the water section of the dungeon, featuring water elemental variants of some enemies, icicles and frozen dungeon-themed props, and a boss fight with Frost Queen Freiya at the end.

Arriving from the Gopongo Swamp, Link entered Bottle Grotto. Tempted immediately by the chest, Link, try as he might, could not get to it. The pots were too heavy (for now!). Defeated, Link continued deeper into the dungeon.

Once Link felled the foul Hinox, a fairy appeared to heal his wounds, along with a portal that conveniently teleported him back to the entrance if needed. Feeling energetic, Link continued deep into the dungeon by taking the door to the right.

Upon entering the dungeon, you'll see a chest. Skip it and go up. Light the two torches with magic powder. This should open a door to your right. Go through it and kill all the enemies in the room to receive a key. Go down a screen. To kill this enemy charge your sword while facing away from it. Walk towards it(again while not facing it), and then release your charged sword. Open the chest to obtain the Compass. After opening the chest go a screen north, then a screen right. Hit the switch and go south a screen. Kill the enemy and hit the switch at an angle with your sword. A chest should appear containg another key. Take it and go right. Use Roc's Feather to jump over the pit and step on the button. Another chest appears containing another key. Take it and hit the switch in the room. Go up a screen and kill all the enemies there. A key will appear on the other side of the baracades. From there go down, left, up, then right, hitting switches along the way, to get the key. In this room get the key and go left three times and open the locked door. There, light the torches with magic powder and a chest will appear containg the map. Go up a screen and knock the enemy into the pit. A chest will appear. Take the item from the chest and from here go down a screen, right three times, down a screen, right, up, then right again. After dealing with the enemies, go up one screen. Here, push the two blocks in the middle of the room together and kill the bats. Go down the stairs and work your way back up. In this room watch out for the bat and whatever that thing is that goes around the room. My suggestion is to jump into the middle of the room where the floating heart is. Finally go up one screen to face Hinox. 041b061a72

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