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The International Problem Film English Subtitles Download !!EXCLUSIVE!! For Movie

How to Download English Subtitles for The International Problem: A Thrilling Movie About Global Corruption

If you are a fan of crime dramas and political thrillers, you might want to watch The International Problem, a 2012 Indian movie that deals with the issue of global corruption and its impact on ordinary people. The movie follows Avinash, a computer engineer who gets involved in a dangerous conspiracy involving a powerful bank that funds illegal arms deals and terrorist activities. The movie exposes the dark side of the international financial system and the challenges faced by those who try to expose it.

The International Problem Film English Subtitles Download For Movie

However, if you are not fluent in Hindi, you might have a problem understanding the dialogues and the plot of the movie. The movie does not have official English subtitles, and finding reliable and accurate subtitles online can be tricky. That's why we have prepared this guide for you, to help you download English subtitles for The International Problem and enjoy this gripping film.

What are English subtitles?

English subtitles are text files that contain the translation of the spoken dialogues in a movie. They are usually displayed at the bottom of the screen, synchronized with the audio. They help non-native speakers to understand what is being said and what is happening in the movie. They can also help deaf or hard-of-hearing viewers to enjoy the movie.

Why do you need English subtitles for The International Problem?

The International Problem is a movie that deals with a complex and sensitive topic: global corruption. It involves many characters, locations, and events that might be unfamiliar or confusing to some viewers. It also has many dialogues that are fast-paced, technical, or slangy. Therefore, having English subtitles can help you to follow the story better and to appreciate the nuances and details of the movie.

Where can you find English subtitles for The International Problem?

There are many websites that offer subtitles for various movies, including The International Problem. However, not all of them are reliable or safe. Some of them might have broken links, low-quality subtitles, or malicious ads. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing a website to download subtitles from.

One of the websites that you can try is Subscene. This website is a community-based platform that hosts subtitles for thousands of movies and TV shows in different languages. You can find English subtitles for The International Problem on this website by searching for "The International Problem 2012". You will see a list of subtitles uploaded by different users. You can check the ratings, comments, and previews of each subtitle before downloading it.

Another website that you can try is OpenSubtitles. This website is one of the largest and most popular subtitle databases on the internet. You can find English subtitles for The International Problem on this website by searching for "The International Problem 2012". You will see a list of subtitles with different formats, qualities, and sources. You can also filter the subtitles by language, genre, rating, and more.

How to download and use English subtitles for The International Problem?

Once you have found a suitable subtitle file for The International Problem on one of the websites mentioned above, you can follow these steps to download and use it:

  • Click on the download link or button and save the subtitle file on your computer.

  • Make sure that the subtitle file has the same name as the movie file (except for the extension). For example, if your movie file is called "The.International.Problem.2012.avi", your subtitle file should be called "".

  • Place both files in the same folder or directory.

  • Open your preferred media player (such as VLC, Windows Media Player, or KMPlayer) and load the movie file.

  • If the subtitles do not appear automatically, go to the settings or options menu of your media player and enable or select the subtitles.

  • Enjoy watching The International Problem with English subtitles!

What are the benefits of watching The International Problem with English subtitles?

Watching The International Problem with English subtitles can have some benefits that might enhance your viewing experience. Some of the benefits are:

  • Improved comprehension: You can understand the dialogues and the plot better by reading the subtitles. You can also catch some details or references that you might miss otherwise.

  • Increased engagement: You can immerse yourself more in the movie by following the subtitles. You can also appreciate the performances and the emotions of the actors better.

  • Enhanced learning: You can improve your language skills by watching The International Problem with English subtitles. You can learn new words, phrases, and expressions. You can also practice your listening and reading skills.

What are the challenges of watching The International Problem with English subtitles?

Watching The International Problem with English subtitles can also have some challenges that might affect your viewing experience. Some of the challenges are:

  • Distracted attention: You might find it hard to focus on both the subtitles and the visuals at the same time. You might miss some important scenes or actions while reading the subtitles.

  • Reduced enjoyment: You might lose some of the fun and excitement of watching The International Problem by relying on the subtitles. You might also feel less connected to the characters and their emotions.

  • Inaccurate translation: You might encounter some errors or inconsistencies in the subtitles. The subtitles might not match the audio or the context. They might also omit or change some meanings or nuances of the original dialogues.

What is The International Problem about?

The International Problem is a 2012 Indian movie directed by Jagdish Waghela and starring Khalid Kidwai, Dhruv Kumar, and Lata Tippee. The movie centers around Avinash, a computer engineer who celebrates his success by throwing a party. There, he meets a girl and has sex with her. After the sex, he discovers that he has contracted HIV. He rushes to a doctor for treatment, but feels ashamed and suicidal. The doctor, Asha, tries to convince him that HIV is not a death sentence and that he can live a normal life. She also tells him that HIV is a global problem that affects millions of people around the world. Together, they decide to hold a press conference and raise awareness about HIV and its prevention. They face various questions and challenges from the media, the public, and their own families.

What are the reviews of The International Problem?

The International Problem is a movie that tries to tackle a serious and sensitive issue: HIV and AIDS. It aims to educate and inspire the audience about the facts and myths of the disease, and to show the human side of the people who live with it. However, the movie has received mixed reviews from critics and viewers. Some have praised the movie for its bold and honest approach, its realistic portrayal of the characters and their emotions, and its message of hope and courage. Others have criticized the movie for its poor production quality, its melodramatic and preachy tone, and its lack of originality and depth. The movie has also been accused of being too simplistic and optimistic about the situation of HIV in India, where stigma and discrimination are still rampant.

What is the situation of HIV and AIDS in India?

India has the third-largest population of people living with HIV and AIDS in the world, after South Africa and Nigeria. According to the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), there were 2.14 million people living with HIV and AIDS in India in 2017. The majority of them were adults aged 15-49 years, and about 40% were women. The estimated adult HIV prevalence rate was 0.22%, which is lower than many other countries. However, there are significant variations across states, districts, and key populations.

The main mode of HIV transmission in India is heterosexual sex, accounting for 87% of new infections in 2017. Other modes include injecting drug use (5%), mother-to-child transmission (4%), and male-to-male sex (3%). Some key populations that are disproportionately affected by HIV and AIDS in India are female sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender people, people who inject drugs, truck drivers, and migrants. These populations face multiple barriers to accessing HIV prevention, testing, and treatment services, such as stigma, discrimination, violence, criminalization, and social exclusion.

What are the efforts to combat HIV and AIDS in India?

India has made significant progress in its response to HIV and AIDS over the past decades. The country has reduced new HIV infections by 37% and AIDS-related deaths by 66% since 2010. It has also achieved the global target of eliminating mother-to-child transmission of syphilis and is close to achieving the same for HIV. India has also scaled up its antiretroviral therapy (ART) program, providing free treatment to 1.4 million people living with HIV and AIDS as of 2019.

The main agency responsible for coordinating and implementing the national HIV and AIDS response is NACO, under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. NACO works in partnership with state governments, civil society organizations, community-based organizations, private sector, media, and international agencies. NACO's current strategy is the National AIDS Control Program Phase IV (2017-2024), which aims to accelerate the prevention and impact mitigation efforts by focusing on key populations, geographical areas, and programmatic gaps.


The International Problem is a movie that tries to raise awareness and inspire action about HIV and AIDS, a global problem that affects millions of people, especially in India. The movie tells the story of Avinash, a computer engineer who contracts HIV and decides to fight against the stigma and ignorance surrounding the disease. The movie also shows the challenges and opportunities of the HIV and AIDS response in India, which has made remarkable progress but still faces many gaps and barriers.

If you want to watch The International Problem and understand its message better, you might need English subtitles. However, finding good subtitles for this movie can be difficult, as it does not have official subtitles and the online subtitles might be unreliable or inaccurate. That's why we have provided you with this guide, to help you find and download English subtitles for The International Problem and enjoy this thrilling movie.

We hope that this article has helped you to learn more about The International Problem, HIV and AIDS in India, and English subtitles. We also hope that you will watch the movie and share it with others, as it is a powerful way of spreading awareness and compassion about a serious and sensitive issue that affects us all. d282676c82

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