Roofcon Trusscon: The Ultimate Software for Nail Plate Structures
Roofcon cost estimator and cost tracing programs are used in conjunction with Trusscon & Quotecon for estimating and tracing the purchase and delivery cost of Roof system components. The Roofcon cost estimator is an integrated design software package to assist architects and engineering consultants to facilitate the determination of the required quantity, size, quantity of screws, the cuts required for each roof system component and the time required to manufacture. From this, the entire Roof system purchase cost, including delivery to the site can be calculated and the necessary quota and pattern to be printed.
Roofcon trusscon download hit
Roofcon is a cost estimating program that is used to develop accurate cost quotations to customers. It is a fully integrated design software package to assist architects and engineering consultants to facilitate the determination of the required quantity, size, quantity of screws, the cuts required for each roof system component and the time required to manufacture. From this, the entire Roof system purchase cost, including delivery to the site can be calculated and the necessary quota and pattern to be printed.
Our roof truss designs are done using International Truss Systems (ITS) licensed design software, aptly named Roofcon, Trusscon and Quotecon. This is the software package used for the design, detailing, estimating, D visualisation and manufacturing of complex timber roofs.
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